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Borrowing Materials

May contain: shelf, book, indoors, library, publication, furniture, and bookcase

Loan Period

New patrons are limited to borrowing up to 5 items at a time.  After 3 months, permanent cardholders can check out up to 25 library items, with a limit of up to 7 DVDs.  There are no fines for late materials. The items that are owned by Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library all check out for 3 weeks, and can usually be renewed, as long as there is no one on hold for the item.  For items that are borrowed from another library in the consortium, we follow the checkout periods that they observe.



Return items anytime by using the book return outside the library’s front door or by leaving them inside at the circulation desk during library hours. (Please, do not return Nook eReaders to the book drops. We prefer that you hand them to a staff member at the checkout desk.)  You may also return library items (again, with the exception of Nook eReaders) to the west side dropbox located at City Market.  Our courier will pick those items up and bring them back to the library to be checked in.


Renewals & Requests

Renew and request items at the circulation desk, by phoning the library, or online using your library card and PIN.



Cardholders accept full responsibility for borrowed materials and must pay for lost or damaged items.

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